Why is the Battery Life Saver electronic device
"The Most Effective Desulfator Available"?
There are a number
of other electronic products available on the Internet which claim to be
desulfators. The ones known to me are “Pulse-Tech,” “De-500,” “Nano-tech,”
“BES Technologies,” and home-made circuits as described by Alister Couper.
All of these products are best described as pulsers and are based on an
approximation of a Dirac delta function. These have a serious short-coming
in that it is impossible to produce a Dirac delta in the physical universe.
It is approximated by a very rapid rise of voltage in the leading edge of
the pulse and generation of a high voltage pulse. To the degree that these
products can produce a rapidly rising high voltage spike, they can be only
somewhat effective at exciting natural frequencies of crystals. However, the
pulses are of such short durations that very little power can be delivered
to the crystal to cause it to dissolve -- again power is the area under the
The Battery Life Saver electronic
device square wave signal
can excite all of the frequencies above it and is easy to produce, in that
it is a real function, meaning it exists in the physical universe. The
square wave signal is generally a low voltage signal, usually less than one
volt with most batteries, and delivers enough power to cause the crystals to